As we do every year at this time, my friends at ABA Inside Track joined me to review the year that was. This is a fun tradition, and this year, we did something a little different:
We looked at the 10 most downloaded episodes from both of our shows, and counted them down. Along the way, we added some commentary as to why these shows might have resonated with you, the listener.
If you're a consistent listener to both of our shows, try to see how these episodes matched up with the ones you liked the best!
If you want to cheat, you can check out how the shows ranked here, along with links to the episode pages themselves.
As always, this is the raw audio feed, direct from ABA Inside Track (so you'll have their intro music). That said, in the publicly available feed, I talk at length about how much I appreciate each and every listener, and that goes especially for you, the Patreon subscriber! Your support helps to keep the lights on at the BOP, so thank you so much!
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