In Session 71, I join the folks at ABA Inside Track for a 2018 Year in Review. In this episode, we discuss: The passing of influential Behavior Analysts in 2018. Important events in the field, such as the #timesupABA and #dobetter movements. The good and bad associated with the continued growth of our field. Things we're looking forward to in 2019. As a bonus (or punishment) we even sing a few lines from Auld Lang Syne. I apologize in advance... Please do not let this influence any potential iTunes reviews for either of our podcasts! Our sponsors for this episode include: The Himalaya Podcast app. Are you frustrated with the native Apple Podcast app, which seems to get worse and worse with each "update"? Are you an Android user who is looking for a better podcast experience? Then download Himalaya to your device and decide whether this is a better alternative. Oh, and be sure to follow The Behavioral Observations Podcast when you do! My own wicked-awesome discount on 12 Type 2 CE's. Use the offer code, "bundle" and save over 50% on your continuing education needs. Keep up to date with the happenings in the field while you drive, walk the dog, etc...